Dave Palumbo Goes FIshing in Florida 2013. What did he catch? Did he make it back?
619 Muscle Beach Bash Part Two... the Ring Girl Model Search brought to you by SEXY-STRONG and WCS.
Part 1 of the 619 Muscle Beach Bash - World's Strongest Woman and Gracie V Deadlift Challenge!
At the 2013 Europa Phoenix Games, Master of the MC's, Bob Cicherillo played host and moderator for the 8x Mr Olympia Champion Ronnie Coleman at a standing room only Question and Answer session. Bryan Hildebrand and Sally Taylor were there to cover it and bring it to you in it's entirety.
John Hansen at Generation Iron
"When the winds of life don't hit your sails, you grab the oars of life and you start pushing." Greg shows you how to push yourself as he leads you through Push Performance, his complete chest, shoulder, and tricep burnout workout.....
Jimmy Bluff Brings His "Bluff Technique" To RxMuscle! Dave Palumbo Tries The "Bluff Technique" For The First Time. Will His Shoulders Get Healed By Jimmy!? Watch The Video To Find Out!
"If you want to change what you see, you first have to change how you see things, then it comes down to your commitment to see that through." If you think you have that commitment to change, Greg's Gun Blast Workout will be the ultimate test of that commitment, as he unleashes a six-round, super-set bicep bursting exercise barrage the likes of which you have never seen nor experienced before.
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