Dave Palumbo's latest rant on Rich Piana's Newest Steroid Cycle. Find out what Palumbo thinks Piana should be doing at this juncture of his life.
The Evil Puppet Emperor instructs Darth Farah in the ways of the Dark Side of the Muscle Force! Episode 1
IFBB Physique Pro Tracy Hess interviews IFBB Physique Pro Gloria Faulls.
EIn Dave Palumbo's latest rant, he explains how to avoid getting hemorrhoids and curing constipation.
Excerpted from his LIVE WITH interview, Sergio Oliva Jr talks about his 3x Mr Olympia Dad Sergio Oliva; plus his ex-coach George Farah.
Dave Palumbo has had it with all the whiners and ignorant supplement shoppers
Portugal's Marco Luis aka Monstro's insane training motivation!
Dave Palumbo goes in search of deep dish pizza in Chicago!
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