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Ask Dave

Marijuana & Bodybuilding #AskDave 50 - 2/3/16

askdave wednesday

Dave Palumbo takes your questions in his weekly half-hour Q&A TV show. You can ask about anything from training, diet, supplementation, IFBB pros and competitions, and more!

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Spot Injections Grow Muscle? #AskDave 49 - 1/27/16

askdave wednesdayDave Palumbo takes your questions in his weekly half-hour Q&A TV show. You can ask about anything from training, diet, supplementation, IFBB pros and competitions, and more!

Watch #AskDave

Why Insulin Makes You Fat! #AskDave 48 - 1/20/16

askdave wednesdayDave Palumbo takes your questions in his weekly half-hour Q&A TV show. You can ask about anything from training, diet, supplementation, IFBB pros and competitions, and more!

Watch #AskDave

Test Your Steroids! #AskDave 47 - 1/6/16

askdave wednesdayDave Palumbo takes your questions in his weekly half-hour Q&A TV show. You can ask about anything from training, diet, supplementation, IFBB pros and competitions, and more!

Watch #AskDave

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