Aceto and Palumbo usher in the new year with pomp and circumstance. Get ready for the two most outspoken men in bodybuilding to bring you another great year of bodybuilding talk radio.
Hollywood celebrity and IFBB Pro Roland Kickinger calls in to talk about his latest business venture "Sexy Fitness", the LA Fit Expo, and his future in the fitness industry. Plus, don't miss a few good Arnold stories!
Ask Dave and Stump the Jumbo returns!
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Aceto and Palumbo wrap up 2014 with the year-in-review Awards Show. Who was the breakout bodybuilder of the year? What was the most insane story of the year? And who was the biggest bust of 2014? All that and way more ... only on this special holiday edition of HMR!
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Palumbo and Aceto explain "Why Cut Back?" has become the new craze hashtag in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. Plus find out who the front runners are for the upcoming Arnold Classic.
Rick Collins of Legal Muscle fame calls in to discuss the newest steroid control act that was just passed into law. Who's at risk? What can happen if you're caught with these once legal supplements?
Plus Ask Dave? and Stump the Jumbo!
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