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Heavy Muscle Radio (2/15/16) Bros vs Pros 26 Update, Valentines Day and more!


Palumbo and Aceto discuss Bros vs Pros 26: USA vs Germany, the upcoming Arnold Classic 212 Class, and the true meaning of Valentine's Day.  And, is it legal to throw a 400lb man out of an all-you-can-eat buffet because he ate too much?
Plus, ASK DAVE and STUMP the TECHNICIAN returns!

Heavy Muscle Radio (2/8/16) Arnold Classic lineup preview plus Bros vs Pros 26 update!


Palumbo and Aceto preview the Arnold Classic lineup, revea the newest l Bros vs Pros 26: German vs USA Battle, and discuss the latest bodybuilding radio show shakeups.
Plus, find out why the blood pressure meds known as ACE inhibitors can make you bigger.  And ASK DAVE and ASK THE TECHNICIAN and STUMP THE JUMBO returns!

Heavy Muscle Radio (2/1/16) Romano & Palumbo Strike Again, Plus Will Kai Win In Ohio?


Dave Palumbo and John Romano discuss how annoying our "politically correct" society has become.  Find out what solutions the Rx Muscle cabal has come up with.
Plus, does Kai Greene still have what it takes physically, emotionally and spiritually to win the upcoming Arnold Classic?


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