When I started writing these “commentaries”, as Dave calls them, I promised I would share some stories and possibly even dispel or confirm some of the myths surrounding the man known as Dave “Jumbo” Palumbo. Please understand that these stories are from my recollection and Dave’s version may be slightly different. Just to be clear: My version is the truth.
George “The Pro Maker” Farah has teamed up with Heinz Senior, CEO and Founder of Human Evolution, and is giving RxMuscle.com fans a special supplement deal.
Shawn Rhoden joins Team Scitec!
We proudly announce that Mr. Olympia 3rd place finisher Shawn Flexatron Rhoden has signed a multi-year contract with SCITEC NUTRITION. Rhoden’s recent contest history is extraordinary.
Fitness is a passion that people across the world share. Body builders, yogis, martial artists, and various athletes are only a small portion of the folks who love to stay fit and healthy. Whether you like to cycle, jog, hike, swim, or lift weights, chances are part of the reason you do those things is to stay fit
We proudly introduce the newest members of Team Scitec USA!
Brandon Curry is top professional bodybuilder who earned his IFBB Pro Card in 2008 by winning both the heavyweight division and the overall of the NPC USA Championships. Since then, he has competed at many pro shows.