
Kevin Levrone Steroid Test Results Are In!

The test results are in!  The long wait is over and we finally have the official word from Quest Diagnostics on the matter of Kevin Levrone's urine and what metabolites it may contain.  Of course Kevin claims he's "clean"; however, based on what's at stake, he's still decidedly nervous.   Dave Palumbo so adamantly doubted his old friend's word that he, actually, had RX Muscle pay for the drug test!


He's Not a Teenager!

ben2Benjamin Loehrer won the light heavyweight class and overall at the NPC Teen Nationals this past weekend.  It was a great victory; he was massive, ripped, and dominated the competition.  And I'm sure he has a bright future in bodybuilding.  There's only one problem-- he's not a teen.  On the day of the show, July 18th, 2009, he was 20 years old.





Megalympia Finale!

MegalympiaProgram-1PEANUTS!  POPCORN!  Get Yerrr PROGRAAAAMS Here!

There has been a lot of buzz about Rx Muscle's Megalympia. Some have fought hard to drum up support for their favorite champions. Others have been disgusted to see their pick lose and cry out to the gods of Vengeance for retribution on the accursed forum members that didn't see things their way. Most of all, it's been fun and people have gotten a chance to share their view of the pro side of the sport and do some color commentary.



Who Is the Strongest Bodybuilder in the World?

JohnnyAfter years of posturing, the answer to the question that has begged to be asked is mere weeks away from being answered.  While many bodybuilders could be benconsidered big and strong, "Who is the strongest?"  The two names in pro bodybuilding that continually rise to the top of the list are IFBB pros Johnnie Jackson and Ben White. The latter is known for his extreme raw benching prowess while the former is a world record smashing dead lifter from hell.  Knowing this, both Dave and I have postulated that a lift-off between these two incredibly strong men would be an awesome event.  Well, after many, many, mentions of the excitement this kind of event would foster-- not only because of the extreme weights involved but because these two guys are chock full of personality-- it looks like it's really going to finally happen!


2009 NPC Southern States Wrapup!

P1010063_4Southern States contest promoter Peter Potter has outdone himself again by putting on an incredible show this year, although I almost didn't get in to cover it!  Since the show is literally in my back yard (You can see the roof of my house from the auditorium), and because I've known Peter Potter for years, I didn't think to ask for a press pass well enough in advance.  I just called Peter last night and left a message. 


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