The reality TV show called "Jersey Shore" chronicles the lives of a stereotypical group of Italian-Americans. While attention to such heritage is usually paid on the Discovery Channel and Nat-Geo with programming related to great inventors, scientist, artists, explorers and even the Mafia, MTV decided to chronicle the "Guido" Italian-American culture commonly found along the south shoreline of New Jersey.
In this subculture, the guys are known as guidos and the girls are referred to as guidettes. Additionally, there is a particular version of guidette known as the "guidette monster". Big hair, big boobs, big butt, gum chewing sassy little thing that can always be found in the DJ booth at Surf Club.
How good does BSN's Sythna-6 ready-to-drink (RTD) protein supplement taste? Well, if you work for BSN you'd say it tastes better than any other RTD on the market. What else would you say? You get paid to think that. Well, if you're a savvy marketing director with balls of steel and supreme confidence in your product, then you'd say: "In a blind taste test against three of the other leading RTD's you'd pick Syntha-6." Then you'd put what you just said to the test (literally) at the largest and most highly attended fitness conglomeration in the world, the Arnold Fitness Expo. And that's just what BSN did.
At the end of Rocky, a banged-up Apollo Creed muttered something about, "There ain't going to be no rematch." Well, if you notice, "ain't no" is a double negative, meaning there was going to be a rematch. If you saw Rocky II you know what I'm saying. Well, rematches are like that. You think you may not want one, or that another shot at a title might be impossible, but the universe has a strange way of making things happen. Things such as rematches.
The 2010 Figure International has a deep line up and no one can say these girls are scared to get on stage and fight it out for the second most prestigious title in the sport. The scorecard is stacked with well-known veterans and well deserved rookies and while the defending Olympia champ will be on stage, the winner is not a foregone conclusion.
2009 Figure Olympia Champ Nicole Wilkins-Lee seems the likely favorite, but I am not ready to give her the title just yet. The judges decided to go with the "softer" look at the Olympia and that could change in a different city at a different show. She's got amazing lines and structure, but her conditioning leaves a little to be desired and she runs the risk of being too soft.
The last class to hit the stage was the open men's bodybuilding and with names like "Marvelous" and the "X-Man" in the mix, this was a first rate show. In first place, Melvin Anthony delivered today and made the most of his amazing structure. He finally got his glutes dialed in and it was the perfect complement to his tiny waist and marvelous symmetry. Always the great performer, Melvin flawlessly displayed his physique and made the most of each pose. As he exited the stage after pre-judging he looked to Shawn Ray in the crowd and yelled: "How's that for a 40 year old?" Melvin knew he was on and had the swagger of a champion all day.
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