
The Spectacular 1991 NPC Nationals!

1991JrNatsEvery year, truly great physiques emerge from the NPC Nationals.  The Nationals (and the NPC USA) are, essentially, the "farm system" for future IFBB greats. Haney, Gaspari and others emerged from these big shows but the one single show that should go down in the record books as the most spectacular battle ever was the 1991 NPC Nationals held in Pittsburgh.  I was lucky enough to "take part" in it by virtue of having worked with two of that year's top placers; Paul DeMayo and Chris Cormier. Chris was coming off a 3rd place at the NPC USA that year (having been edged out by both Flex Wheeler and Chris Duffy). After that show Chris couldn't quite decide what would be his next step. As a near-natural competitor at the time, he discovered the NPC was hosting  a (drug-tested) Team Universe posedown to be held the same night as the NPC Nationals in Pittsburgh.


Rx Muscle WWE Monday Night Wrestling Report: Snookie on Raw!

Snooki on Raw!!!!




WrestleMania  27 is now 20 short days away!!!


BSN's Syntha-6 Bars Declared Best-Tasting!

tastetestCCThe 2011 Arnold Fitness Weekend has come and gone and the first BSN SYNTHA-6 Protein Bar Taste-Test is now history.  BSN Nutrition had the gall to pit their new Syntha-6 Protein Bar up against the leading bars on the market.  Not knowing how their product would fare against the likes of Met-Rxs Big 100, Supreme Protein, and Dymatize Elite Gourmet, BSN set up a taste-testing table in their humongous booth and allowed thounsands of fans to sample the newly designed high protein bars.




Greg Kovacs' Years at Muscletech- Part 2!

MostMuscularLast week, I told the story of how I met Paul Gardiner, the owner and creator of Muscletech. This week I want to finish up the story because it only gets better.  So, let's start off this tale with the end of the 96 Arnold Weekend.

Once my wife, Paul, his buddies, and I made it back safe and sound from Columbus, I set my focus on my run for the Canadian Nationals.  Paul, on the other hand, went back to work on developing his supplement line. It was 6 months until the show and I had already started dieting strictly.





Rx Muscle WWE Monday Night Raw Report: March 7, 2011!

Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his return to Raw!





Raw was Live from Dallas TX this week and the anticipation is building with WrestleMania  just 27 Days away!


From the look of the crowd and all the signs in the house, The fans are anxiously awaiting for the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin


Raw opens up with a video montage of the Undertaker vs. HHH buildup


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