Fitness Factoids: Volume 29
Arginine Improves Glucose Metabolism
A new study conducted by the University of Copenhagen has found that the amino acid l-arginine is as effective at improving glucose metabolism as prescription diabetes medication. For the study, researchers tested effects of arginine’s ability to regulate glucose metabolism in both lean (insulin sensitive) and obese (insulin resistant) mice. Both groups of mice were given a glucose tolerance test, a test that measures the body’s ability to remove glucose from the blood over time.
Fitness Factoids: Volume 28
Violent Behavior Tied to Nutritional Deficiencies
A new study that was released in the Spring 2013 issue of the journal Wise Traditions is making the case that nutritional deficiencies may be the cause of increased violence among teens. According to the study, deficiencies of the vitamins A, K, D, B1, B3, B6, B12, and folate – in addition to mineral deficiencies of iodine, potassium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, and manganese – are contributing to mental illness and violence.
Fitness Factoids: Volume 27
Broccoli May Help Prevent Arthritis
A new study conducted by the University of Anglia suggests that eating broccoli may have a preventative effect against developing arthritis. Researchers isolated a compound in broccoli known as sulphoraphane and fed it to two groups of mice. Group one ate a diet high in sulphoraphane; while group two’s diet contained significantly less of the compound.
Fitness Factoids: Volume 26
Whey Protein May Protect Against Prostate Cancer
Research conducted by Ohio State University suggests that whey protein may have a protective effect on prostate cancer. Researchers treated two groups of prostate cancer cells with solutions of whey protein for 48 hours
Fitness Factoids: Volume 25
Toxin Found in US Rice Causes Genetic Damage
Rice is a dietary staple in a number of cultures throughout the world, and the bodybuilding sub-culture is certainly no exception. However, a recent study conducted by the University of Manchester and the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology has released information that might make you want to reconsider the amount of rice in your diet.
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