Muscle Gossip #34: WBFF Exodus

Ingrid-Romero-Overall-Bikini-WV-e1304957751957On August 4th I was a guest on Jack and Ann Titone’s Fit Bod Radio show to talk about the WBFF vs IFBB pros switching over federations (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-fit-bod-radio-show/2011/08/05/the-fit-bod-radio-show-with-jack-ann-titone). On that show most of the defections discussed were from the IFBB to the WBFF. However, I predicted we would soon see some defections in the other direction. Finally, those defections have begun. As of yesterday two of the WBFF’s top pros officially announced that they were giving up their WBFF Pro cards in hopes of (re)joining the NPC/IFBB -  Ingrid Romero and David Kimmerle.


Ingrid Romero:

As of September 27th, 2011 I will be relinquishing my WBFF Pro Status.

After winning the Arnold Classic, I was approached by Paul Dillett the CEO of the WBFF. In his attempt to recruit me, he promised me a six figure contract with a supplement company, the cover of several prominent magazines, a part in a reality TV show with top celebrities and much more. At the time I had only been in this industry for 6 months and I was extremely naïve. Being offered all the promises, I thought that this was the answer to all my financial struggles, but little did I know I was making the biggest mistake of my young career. I soon realized that Paul Dillett and the WBFF sell dreams to athletes to get them to join his organization, but once they join they do not follow up on ANY of their promises. I wanted to go public with this to let other athletes know who are in the same position I was, that the WBFF is not the answer. Paul Dilett misleads people and takes advantage of naïve people who do not know the industry.

I want to make a formal apology to the NPC for my mistake and to anyone who may have been offended by my actions. I also would like to give a sincere thank you to the NPC for giving me the opportunity to get my career launched as a bikini athlete. I am truly sorry for my poor decision making and I can only hope to eventually being accepted back into this organization.

I believe Romero will be allowed back into the organization, but she will need to re-qualify for an IFBB pro card. Ultimately, that decision will be up to IFBB Pro League President, Jim Manion. Since Ingrid's ground-shaking announcement, many people loyal to the WBFF have posted rumors about Ingrid and her possible reasoning for making this decision. The most interesting statement was made on Facebook by another WBFF Pro, Obi Obadike: 10544344-top-fitness-model-obi-obadike


Ingrid Romero has no reason to lie and she has a lot of integrity and ethics. I think it takes a lot of courage to speak up publicly about those type of personal things . i think there are so many people worried about what the other person thinks before speaking publicly. She was very nice in that note and didnt even mention half of the negative stuff that she has been going through with the organization over the past month or so. I think everybody can learn from this experience. Just stop promising and guaranteeing athletes things you think can do for them particularly when you are trying to convince them to switch their organization. It is really that simple! Just be honest!

Sounds like Obi knows what’s going on behind the scenes and doesn’t like it too much either! Could we see Obi competing in the NPC pretty soon? I wouldn’t be surprised if one day in the not too distant future we see Obi and David Kimmerle standing on a NPC or IFBB stage together!


Here is the email David

Kimmerle sent to the NPC main office today:

4204859I am writing you to share my situation. I have been doing well in the publications and realized last year as I was competing for the WBFF that you guys were starting up a PHYSIQUE category and I was getting less Weider Publications; I was actually asked by them if I have ever competed in the NPC or IFBB, my response was "they had nothing fro a 200 pound natural fitness guy that is 6'1"... so I competed with the WBFF. I am now a pro in that organization and I am giving back my pro card to compete under your umbrella. I am aware of the conversations  upstairs and acknowledging that I expedited my exit strategy to show my intentions and hopefully not be penalized for my status there. There were some great athletes competing for the Wbff Fitness Model as it was the best stage around until you created one, which is why I stood on it. Thank you very much in advance for your feed back, advice and time.


Will the WBFF pros leave the organization in mass exodus like the Jews fled Egypt? Possibly… Only time will tell. I can tell you this, empty promises only keep people around so long. If Paul Dillet is really promising girls six-figure contracts like Ingrid Romero claims he promised they will ALL be disappointed.

Email me tips, gossip, feedback, or if you just wanna shoot the shit at Jewbacca@rxmuscle.com!

Thank to The Big Sexy for the sexy editing.

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